Under supervision of prpf. Dr. Alaa Nzfea Jasim , the center of heritage revival organizes seminar entitled (religion in Islamic prospection) , where held on Sunday 26th/2/2024 this lecture is presented by prof. Dr. Anas Esam Ismaiel who talked about he debt is divided into types: deferred, temporary, and soft, and each one of them has a system. The deferred has a date for payment. It is not permissible to delay it, whatever the reasons. Likewise, the temporary must pay according to the timings fixed in the debt contract. As for the soft, there is a widespread misunderstanding, which is soft, according to the debtor’s understanding. The basic principle is that someone who is well-off is someone who is able to afford food, drink, rent for a house, treatment, and other necessary things, and it is not permissible for him to brag about it until he pays his debt.

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