seminar the king Omar bin Abd Almalik Althafar yousif bin Rasol

The center of heritage revival organizes seminar (the king Omar bin Abd Almalik Althafar yousif bin Rasol)

Under supervision of prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center), the center of heritage revival organized seminar entitled (the king Omar bin Abd Almalik Althafar yousif bin Rasol) where sited in the hall of Nabila A. Dawood in the center on Monday 10th/3/2025 , the lecture is presented by assist. Dr. Sahar Hasan Abd Alrassol (one of the center’s members) who talked about King Ashraf Omar bin Youssef bin Omar bin Ali bin Rasoul, the third king of the Rasulid dynasty in Yemen, was a scholar of good character and well-read in books on genealogy, medicine and astronomy. He was the eldest son of Al-Muzaffar. During his father’s reign, Yemen flourished and scholarly gatherings were filled. His father was a doctor, preacher and jurist who loved his subjects and was kind to them. He respected scholars and gave generously. Among his achievements are the Taiz School, the guest house and the school of Dhofar City. The golden age of the Rasulid dynasty, which lasted for 46 years, was politically and economically stable. The Rasulid dynasty continued for more than two and a quarter centuries, as King Ashraf took power (694-696 AH) (1295-1297 AD). He has many works, including: Al-Ibdal li-ma ‘alam fi al-hal fi al-adwiyah wa al-adkarah, a collection of letters of the dictionary, and Al-Tabsirah fi ‘ilm al-nujum, Tuhfat al-Adab fi al-tarikh wa al-nasab, Jawahir al-Tijani fi al-ansab, Tarafat al-Ashab fi Ma’rifat al-Ansab, Al-Mu’tamad fi al-adwiyah, and Al-Mughni fi al-Baytara. He specialized in horse diseases and Al-Tafahah fi al-Tafah fi al-najm. Among his most important teachers was the jurist Ali bin Abi Al-Saud, who taught him grammar. He was a distinguished jurist, and the jurist Ibrahim bin Issa bin Muflett, who taught him jurisprudence. Among his most important works was building the Ashrafiya School in the Maghreb of Taiz, where he brought water from Mount Saber and made a pond for it. He appointed an imam, a muezzin, and a teacher in it, and he endowed them with enough endowments to meet their needs.


The center of heritage revival organizes seminar


Under the supervision of prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center) , the center of heritage revival organizes seminar entitled ( educational dimensions in the the book Alaqad Alfareed of Ibn Abd Rabbuh D403H)the lecture is presented by assist prof. Dr. Rasha Essa Fares who talked about the role that  the world played by Ibn Abd Rabbuh as one of those who influenced Islamic educational thought and classified the book Al-Iqd Al-Farid as one of the books that do not stop at the limits of a specific science, but rather deals with literature in its comprehensive concept in addition to the sciences related to medicine, astronomy and mathematics, as the goal of writing this book is an educational goal, explaining the methodology that he followed in classifying his book, as it is generally similar to lectures on politics, science and literature in its various arts, which makes it clear to us that our historian was an educational teacher and a guide to culture and thought through the lectures he gives on the good policy of the state, represented in this manner of the Holy Quran and the Noble Sunnah and the opinions of the wise. He pointed to the importance of moral values ​​and their connection to scientific values ​​​​through the method of induction and logical rational deduction, and touched on the aesthetic values ​​​​represented by the literary arts. He was distinguished by the works of thought, logic, objective criticism and the use of the scientific method, which had a distinctive and effective impact in enriching the Arab Islamic civilization.

seminar polina Hasson and her role in women’s renaissance

The center of heritage revival organizes seminar polina Hasson and her role in women’s renaissance

Supervised by prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center) , the center of heritage revival organized seminar entitled (polina Hasson and her role in women’s renaissance) where sited in the hall of Nabila A. Dawood in the center on Monday 24th/2/2025 , the lecture is presented by assist. Instructor Leqaa Shaker Alsharifi (one of the center’s members) who talked about the role of Polina Hasson as she is one of the pioneer in women’s movment in Arabic world specially in Iraq because she plays prominence  role in rising women’s rights  through journals and social active Her role in the journalistic field became prominent after the founding of “Layla” magazine in 1923 AD, which was the first women’s magazine in Iraq. Al-Sharifi added the goals of this pioneer who emphasized women’s demands for their rights and their role in society and encouraged girls’ education and participation in public life. Her writings and ideas influenced subsequent generations of feminist activists and paved the way for highlighting the role of women in Iraqi society.

The center of heritage revival organizes celebration

Supervised by prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center) , the center of heritage revival in the university of Baghdad organized celebration in the hall of Nabila A. Dawoosd in the center on 3rd/3/2025 , the celebration is headed by instructor Dr. Leqaa Shaker Khattar who talked about the role of Iraqi woman. In this time , Iraqi women are thanked for their efforts and sacrifices in various fields, including education, health, work, and politics. This day is also celebrated to honor Iraqi women who work hard and steadfastly to build a better society. At the end of the ceremony, gifts were distributed to the center’s members, and the center’s director praised their efforts, wishing them success in serving our university and our beloved Iraq.

workshop the psychological health of a woman care and enhance

The center of heritage revival organizes workshop (the psychological health of a woman care and enhance)

Under supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim , the director of the center , the center of heritage revival in the university of Baghdad orgnizrs workshop entitled (the psychological health of a woman care and enhance) where sited on the hall of Nabila A. Dawood in the center on Wednesday 26th/2/2025 , the lecture is presented by assist. Instructor Maryam Ali Najeeb (University Health Division)/ health center in the university of Baghdad who talked about psychological health of woman i n most of its aspects, and trying to discuss the causes and challenges that women go through and how they affect the course of their lives and trying to find solutions by providing ways to treat the condition, including self-care through meditation, relaxation, exercise, and eating healthy food, in addition to psychological, family, and community support. The researcher added the importance of the role of awareness in terms of education and culture that women have acquired, which has a role in understanding life matters. In addition, she emphasized the recommendations of the workshop in terms of effective communication with women to improve mental health and provide job opportunities that help in achieving financial independence, respecting women, and caring for them. The workshop included several interventions. In conclusion, the director of the center thanked the lecturer, wishing her continued success in serving our university and our beloved Iraq.



 A delegation of the department of cultural and intellectual affairs in Kufa Mosque Secretariat acted by Mr. Nael Mohammad Twaig , they had received by prof. Dr.Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center) Our library was enriched with the output of the Muslim bin Aqil Competition for Intellectual Creativity. At the end of the visit, the director of the center thanked the delegation, wishing them continued success


The Heritage Revival Center organized an awareness seminar on registering citizens’ light weapons and purchasing medium weapons.

The Heritage Revival Center organized an awareness seminar on registering citizens’ light weapons and purchasing medium weapons.

Under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafeh Jassim, Director of the Center, and under the direction of the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, the Government Media and Communication Unit at the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage – University of Baghdad organized on Monday morning, February 24, 2025, at exactly eleven o’clock in the morning, in the presence of a number of members of the Police Command, professors and researchers, and in the hall of Professor Nabila Abdel Moneim Daoud, an awareness seminar entitled (Registering light weapons for citizens and purchasing medium weapons). The lecture was given by Lieutenant Colonel Salam Sadiq Maktouf – Ministry of Interior – Rusafa Sector Police Command, speaking about how to carry a licensed weapon.By citizens and handing over light weapons in the possession of the citizen through specific links activated by the Ministry of Interior and its affiliated sectors. The lecturer praised the necessity of informing these institutions of these weapons to register them according to these links and license them to the concerned citizen. Maktouf stressed the opening of horizons of cooperation and flexibility with the competent authorities and the citizen and ensuring his rights with the aim of preserving the lives of society from the use of incorrect weapons that threaten the lives of unarmed citizens. He also added that carrying weapons is a societal culture that must be adhered to by weapon holders. The lecture included several interventions and discussions on the subject. In conclusion, the director of the center thanked the lecturer for his invitation, wishing him continued success in his field of work in the service of our beloved Iraq.



The center of heritage revival organizes Awareness workshop (Drugs and their Effect on the Individual, Methods of Treatment and Recovery, and the Challenges Facing)

Under the supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim Under the direction of the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, the Government Media and Communication Unit at the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage at the University of Baghdad organized an awareness workshop entitled (Drugs and their Effect on the Individual, Methods of Treatment and Recovery, and the Challenges Facing) on ​​Sunday morning, February 23, 2025, at 11:00 a.m., in the presence of a number of professors and researchers, in the hall of Professor Nabila Abdel Moneim Dawood. The workshop was attended by a number of professors and researchers. The workshop was held in the hall of Professor Nabila Abdel Moneim Dawood. The researchers, assist instructorHind Amer Fadel and assist istructor. Zainab Jamal Nowrouz, two lecturers from our center, spoke about drugs in Iraq and the recent spread of this phenomenon and its negative impact on the family and society. It is destructive to the body, mind and health of the person, as it affects the nervous and respiratory systems and causes many diseases that affect the individual. Drugs also impact social aspects as users pose a threat to the lives of others and are a source of concern for the security of society. They also mentioned that drugs are used out of curiosity, bad friends or family disintegration to escape boredom and worries. They also emphasized the harms of drugs, which include the spread of murders and violence. The competent authorities must enforce the laws strongly and firmly and increase community awareness through seminars, workshops and awareness conferences to protect the individual and society from the dangers of addiction. The workshop included several interventions and discussions. In conclusion, the director of the center thanked the researchers and wished them continued success


The center of heritage revival organizes workshop (Sports among Arabs)

Under the supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center ) the syntactic department in the center of heritage revival/ university of Baghdad organizes workshop entitled (Sports among Arabs) where sited in the of Nabila A, Dawood in the center on Wednesday 19th/2/2025 , Assist instructor Hind Amer Fadhil talked about Islamic instructions in sports that dealt With body and physical fitness, a strong believer who benefits himself is more beloved to Allah Almighty. She also added that sports help Muslims perform their worship in a better way. Today, we must encourage ourselves and our children to practice sports according to Islamic values. Then, a lecture by M.M. Zainab Jamal Norouz, a lecturer from our center, spoke about the culture of peoples in sports throughout history, as they practiced different types of sports and their benefits in wars, hunting and transportation. Also, the development in modern times and technological progress in sports contributed to enhancing physical and psychological fitness. The workshop included several interventions and discussions. In conclusion, the center director thanked the two lecturers, wishing them continued success.



Sponsored by prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center ) the center of heritage revival in the university of Baghdad held scientific symposium entitled (modern technology and its effect on saving manuscript heritage and its achieving) in the hall of the center on Wednesday 19th/3/2025 .General invitation to all .

workshop (Psychological and social effects of human trafficking on victims)

The center of heritage revival organizes workshop (Psychological and social effects of human trafficking on victims)

Under the supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center) the center of heritage revival organizes workshop entitled ( Psychological and social effects of human trafficking on victims) where sited on the hall of Nabila A. Dawood in the center on Tuesday 18th/2/2025 , the lecture is presented by prof. Dr. Anas Esam Ismaiel and Dr. Leqaa Shaker Khattar who they talked about Manifestations of human trafficking in the past and present. In the past, human trafficking was represented by slavery and had its own laws and regulations. In the Middle Ages, it was widespread in Europe, exploiting poor countries. Recently, it has transformed into various forms, but it serves the same purpose, the difference being escaping legal and international sanctions. The researchers added that the seriousness of the crimes facing societies is the transgression of the law, which leads to a direct clash with customs, traditions, and societal norms in Iraq, as this crime is morally and religiously unacceptable. Iraqi society is conservative by nature and completely rejects any form of exploitation, whether through child trafficking, forced labor, or sexual exploitation. The researchers expressed the most important recommendations of the workshop, including spreading community awareness, supporting victims through social and psychological rehabilitation cells, tightening penalties, activating the role of security services to pursue human traffickers, and finally, combating poverty and unemployment. In conclusion, the director of the center thanked the lecturers, wishing them continued success in serving our university and our beloved Iraq.


seminar Renewing the controls of contemporary jurisprudential consensus

The center of heritage revival organizes seminar

(Renewing the controls of contemporary jurisprudential consensus)

Under the supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim , the center of heritage revival / university of Baghdad organizes seminar entitled (Renewing the controls of contemporary jurisprudential consensus) Where sited in the hall of Nabila A. Almunam in the center ,on Monday 17th/2/2025, the lecture is presented by prof. Dr. Anas Esam Ismaiel (one of the center’s professor) who talks about Regarding the jurisprudential consensus, it still needs to renew the controls through agreement in the jurisprudential groups to determine the characteristics of the mujtahid who has the right to participate in the consensus by agreeing or rejecting, as well as determining the number of those who agree on the issue (those who agree and those who disagree) and determining the ratio between them to be consensus or rejection, as well as determining the contact between the mujtahids at the time of agreement or rejection, and the final matter is renewing the subject of the extinction of the era of those who agree or not. The lecturer also added that discussing the tacit consensus and the difference between it and the verbal consensus, as to whether it is considered part of the consensus or not, confirming the emergence of consensus among the people of the era so that the people of the era know it and whether the intended emergence is by word or action or both, as the jurisprudential consensus was held at distant periods and a complete consensus rarely occurs due to the distance of time and place, while in the contemporary era of communication we need to renew the controls of consensus, as the possibility of communication between scholars is much easier, and it is incomparable to what happened in the past.
