Professor Taha Sabti is the head of discussion committee:


Dr. Taha Sabti Ibrahim chaired a discussion committee to discuss the Msc. Thesis entitled (the curriculum of Najm Addin (B237 in  presented by  (wesam A. Alwahid Hussein ) In presenting Quranic readingsin its interpretation (Altayseer fi Altafseer) from the beginning of Alnesaa surat until the end of AlAraf( Collect and study)where sited on the gallery of Dr. Maki Alkubaisi in the college of Imam Aladham university ,the committee decision was acceptance the thesis with appreciation very good with take care of notes .


Training course


As part of the activities of the World Leadership Week, the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage is honored by your presence in the training course (The importance of time management and its impact on the quality of life among university youth) from 14-15-11-2023 and in the hall of Professor Nabila Abdel Moneim at exactly ten o’clock in the morning, and the invitation is general to all

The Heritage Revival Center organizes a workshop


Among the activities of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, Director of the Center, the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage / University of Baghdad organized on Monday morning, 11/13/2023, in the presence of a number of professors and researchers, and in the hall of Professor Nabila Abdel Moneim in our center. A workshop entitled (Studying the comprehensive economic feasibility of projects is one of the foundations of successful entrepreneurial businesses) delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Aws Mahmoud Muhammad Al-Teacher, among the staff of the Continuing Education Center at the University of Baghdad. The workshop aims to demonstrate the importance of conducting a feasibility study for projects…

Any successful project must be preceded by multiple stages, and the most important of these stages is the stage of preparing the feasibility study for this project, as it represents the basis for any project.From here the process of entrepreneurship begins He also added that determining the first step as it represents the ideal beginning, and this step is summed up by conducting a feasibility study for the project Therefore, the feasibility study will be discussed in detail, and then we will explain entrepreneurship as a concept, who is an entrepreneur, what are his characteristics, what are the advantages of entrepreneurship in general, and how to apply it within investment projects. In conclusion, the director of the center thanked the lecturer, wishing him continued success.





Under the patronage of His Excellency Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Na’eem Al-Aboudi, and the respected President of Baghdad University Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, and under the supervision of the respected Director of the Center Professor Dr. Alaa Nafae Jasim, the Center for Reviving the Arab Scientific Heritage/University of Baghdad is honored to invite you to attend the activities of the Global Entrepreneurship Week from Monday, November 13, 2023 until Sunday, November 19, 2023 at the University of Baghdad, Center for Reviving the Arab Scientific Heritage. The invitation is open to all.

A field visit


the center received a delegation from the Holy Abbasid Threshold morning on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. The delegation was received by Professor Dr. Alaa Nafae Jasim, the director of the center. She extended an invitation for our center to visit the Al-Fadl Center for Preserving Heritage, Manuscripts and Document Archives in Holy Karbala to establish joint activities between the two centers including seminars, workshops and discussion circles. Our library was also gifted a valuable collection of books. At the conclusion of the visit, the center director thanked the delegation, wishing them continued success and achievement…



Center for Heritage Revival Organizes Seminar Under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafae Jasim, director of the center, the Manuscripts Department at the Center for Reviving the Arab Scientific Heritage/University of Baghdad organized a seminar on Monday, November 6, 2023 in the presence of professors and researchers in Nabeela Abdel Moneim Hall at our center. The seminar was titled “Spiritual Leaders in the Yazidi Religion”. Assistant Professor Dr. Wasen Hussein Mohammed, head of the Manuscripts Department at our center, spoke about the religious ranks of Yazidi religious leaders, which include:

The Emir, who is called Emir of the Two Sheikhs. He has several qualities including being the representative of Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir in his land and it is assumed the people obey him. He is their temporary worldly leader.

The Baba Sheikh, whose lineage traces back to Sheikh Fakhruddin. His duties are limited to general religious affairs. He retains Sheikh Adi’s prayer rug and explains fasting, prayer, alms and interpreting sharia rulings.

The Sheikh, where Yazidi sheikhs originate from three foundations: Jilwania, Shamsaniya and Qataniya.

The Pir, meaning the sheikh of the order and its leader. He guides the sect towards religious duties.

The Faqir, meaning the ascetic worshipper.

The Qawwal, who chants spiritual hymns during religious occasions.

The Mureed, meaning the common people and all members of the Yazidi community.

The Kawwajk, whose duties are limited to washing, shrouding and burying the dead.

In conclusion, the center director thanked the lecturer, wishing her continued success and achievement.


A teaching staff member from our center participated in the Kafel forum



Dr. Iman Salih Mahdi, an assistant professor at the Center for Reviving the Arab Scientific Heritage/University of Baghdad, participated in the Kafel Forum for Information Technology hosted by the Holy Abbasid Threshold at Al-Ameed University in holy Karbala. The forum included workshops and specialized exhibits showing the work and contributions of the Holy Abbasid Threshold centers and their impact on developing technology and serving users. The forum lasted three days from Monday 30/10/2023 through Wednesday 1/11/2023. Dr. Mahdi represented the University of Baghdad and the Center for Reviving the Arab Scientific Heritage through her attendance.


participation in scientific course :

A lecturer from our center participates in a scientific seminar With a kind invitation from the College of Basic Education/ University of Anbar, Dr. Saadi Ibrahim Al-Draji, a lecturer at the Center for the Revival of the Arab Scientific Heritage/ University of Baghdad, participated in the morning of Tuesday 31/10/2023 in the scientific seminar entitled “Modern History in the Abbasid and Ottoman Eras” with his research titled “Island Cities on the Euphrates River and their Heritage Features”. He spoke about how there are islands in the middle of the Euphrates River that are often called al-Hawaij (islands), plural of Hawijah. Fortified cities and villages were established on these islands, most notably Ana, Hadithah, Alawus and Jabah, connected to the mainland by bridges. Apart from the mentioned islands, there were many other islands of which only the ancient names have reached us. One of the characteristics of these islands is the similarity in their structure and formation, sometimes resembling each other in shape but differing in area and elevation. The most important of these islands is the island of Ana, which contained many diverse remnants from the Assyrian era. The island of Ana was visible before it was submerged by the waters of Haditha Dam, built on May 1, 1985 on the Euphrates. Ana could be seen from afar due to its elevation above the water level, especially its walls and towers built of stone, mudbrick and gypsum. The fortified island of Talbus (Tell Bish), mentioned in cuneiform inscriptions as Talbush or Talmush. Talbus Island is located 14 km southeast of `Ana. There is also the still densely populated island of Hadithah. Near Hadithah is Raban Island in Al-Huwayzan. Then the island of Al-Na’usah, mentioned by Baladhuri (d. 279H) when speaking about the conquest of the Jazira region during the time of Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may God be pleased with him).

Center of heritage revival organizes seminar :


The seminar was organized by the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage at the University of Baghdad under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, the Director of the Center.The topic of the seminar was “Dr. Ahmed Motalib as a Model of an Academic Personality”. Dr. Ahmed Motalib Ahmed Al-Nasiri Al-Sayyadi Al-Rafai, Professor of Rhetoric and Criticism and President of the Iraqi Academic Society, was the main speaker.His academic career, professional career, positions held including Minister of Culture and Guidance in 1967, and major awards received were presented and discussed.

Currently, Dr. Motalib holds the position of President of the Iraqi Academic Society, which is the highest scientific authority in Iraq. He is also a member of the Jordanian Academy of Arabic Language and the Jordanian Academic Society.The seminar provided insights into Dr. Motalib’s distinguished career spanning over 50 years in academia and his contributions and achievements as a model academic personality.

The unit of continuous education organizes course

Under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, Director of the Center, the Continuing Education Unit at the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage / University of Baghdad, in the hall of Professor Nabila Abdel Moneim Dawoud, and in the presence of 39 participants, organized a course entitled (Manuscript Verification) for the period from 10-22-26-2023. The first lecture was given by Professor Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, entitled (How to Verify Historical and Scientific Texts)

Speaking, there are many books that have been written in the science of editing manuscripts whose rules were derived from the experiences of their authors in the world of editing. If the experiences are specific to literary manuscripts, then these rules came to address the methods of editing this type of manuscripts, as is the case in other fields.

There are fixed rules that are common denominators for investigation of different types of verified books, such as collecting manuscript copies, identifying the mother from among them, and conducting interviews with others.

Then, Assistant Professor Dr. Zainab Kamel Karim’s lecture at our center entitled (Methodological Foundations in Editing Manuscript)

To know the manuscript: It is a book that has not been printed or is still written handwriting of its author or in the handwriting of another copyist.

Manuscripts are everything that was written by hand, whether it was a book, a document, or a letter, because of the ancient times in which they were written, and printing tools were not available at that time.

Investigation: It is the effort and investigation of research in order to reach the truth of what the author of the text said, or it is a complex process that requires producing a text that is exact to the image written by the author, or as close as possible to that.

Then there was a lecture by Assistant Professor Dr. Wasan Hussein Muhaymid, Head of the Manuscripts Department at our center, entitled (The Materials on which the Manuscript is Written)

It includes references to the definition of the manuscript, its importance, and the materials with which the manuscript is written since the beginning of its inception among the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era and the emergence of Islam and what followed it in successive eras. These materials include wood, cartons, parchment, leather, and many others. When the Islamic lands were conquered, Egyptian papyrus and Coptic paper appeared as a new writing material. In the Abbasid era, paper appeared on the horizons of Arab life. The Arabic manuscript entered a new stage of its growth and development, characterized by its large production, abundance, and ease of consumption among readers. Thus, it enriched Arab and European libraries. And many other diverse scientific and cultural manuscripts

Dr. Bayda Abdel Hassan Radam’s teaching lecture at our center is entitled (Paper Used in Islamic Manuscripts), speaking: Man knew writing many centuries before he knew paper, and for thousands of years he began writing on different materials depending on the environment in which he lived, says Ibn al-Nadim. “The first to write was Adam on clay, then for a while after that the nations wrote on copper and stones for eternity… and they wrote on wood and leaves… and they wrote on the walnuts with which the bows are supported… then the skins were tanned and the people wrote on them.” The people of Egypt wrote on Egyptian paper, made from papyrus reeds… The Romans wrote on white silk, parchment, etc., on the Egyptian tumar, and on the faljan, which is the skin of zebras. The Persians wrote on the skins of buffaloes, cows, and sheep, and the Arabs wrote on the shoulders of camels and sheep. These are stones, white parchment, and palm fronds, and China in Chinese paper made from hashish, which is the highest country in the country, and India in copper, stones, and white silk.”

The course concluded with a lecture by Mr. Latif Abdel Zahra, Director of the Restoration Department at the Al-Fadl Center for the Preservation and Maintenance of Manuscript Heritage, speaking about the damage to manuscripts and the factors causing damage, including biological damage and chemical damage causing damage to papers, as well as the impact of humans and climatic factors on manuscripts. After that, the course included practical applications. In how to repair damage and damage to manuscripts, my work was applied on how to restore papers using paper pulp prepared from paper fibers and cellulose adhesives. The second method is to restore papers using Japanese paper and how to compensate for missing parts and remove damages. At the end of the course, the center director thanked the lecturers. The participants wish them continued success





The unit of continuous education organizes

Under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, Director of the Center, the Humanities Department at the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage / University of Baghdad organized a workshop on Wednesday morning, 10/25/2023, in the presence of a number of professors and researchers, sited in the hall of Professor Nabila Abdel Moneim in the center. it entitled (Security awareness and ways to enhance it in Iraq)

The lecture was given by Major Fadel Saadoun Rashid / Ministry of Interior / Community Police / speaking about how to avoid falling prey to electronic blackmail, which is not to reveal the password at all, changing it with difficult ones, avoiding storing private photos of individuals on social network sites, and avoiding downloading programs. Anonymous source. Continue updating computer protection programs and purchase original copies. He added: How do you behave if you fall into the trap of electronic blackmail by not communicating with the blackmailer at all, no matter what, and closing all accounts that you provided to the blackmailer or what he knows about you, and turning off your phone immediately after telling the people you trust? Seek the help of your family without fear or shame. Do not send him money at all. No, because he will ask again and again and once and for all, never believe what the blackmailer says. Finally, turn to a close friend or brother and ask for help. Then the second lecture was given by Mr. Saif Sabri Qasim/Ministry of Interior and Community Police, speaking about security awareness. It is a comprehensive concept that relates to all aspects of life and is not limited to one institution without another or individuals without others. Rather, it is the responsibility of the entire community, and that security does not mean eliminating crimes completely. Rather, reducing its incidence, preventing it before it occurs, eliminating its effects after it occurs, and preventing its recurrence as much as possible, and this can only come about by all members of society and its institutions cooperating in this by spreading and deepening security awareness and ways to enhance security awareness in Iraq. The sense of security among citizens through the implementation of programmes, activities and events that achieve this. And activating the role of social control institutions in the field of raising awareness and fortifying society. Activating the role of media institutions in the field of security awareness through producing technical materials related to this aspect. And intensifying electronic awareness on social networking sites because it covers the largest possible segment of society. The session included several inquiries and interventions from the researchers. In conclusion, the center director thanked the lecturers, wishing them continued success.



A delegation from holy Kadhimiya shrine /center of kadhimiya to revive heritage visited the center The delegation was received by Professor Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, where our center was presented with a set of books, wishing the permanent success of the Heritage Revival Center. At the end of the visit, the director of the center thanked the delegation, wishing them continued success in serving our ancient heritage and great Iraq…