Under the supervision of prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center) , the center of heritage revival organizes seminar entitled ( educational dimensions in the the book Alaqad Alfareed of Ibn Abd Rabbuh D403H)the lecture is presented by assist prof. Dr. Rasha Essa Fares who talked about the role that  the world played by Ibn Abd Rabbuh as one of those who influenced Islamic educational thought and classified the book Al-Iqd Al-Farid as one of the books that do not stop at the limits of a specific science, but rather deals with literature in its comprehensive concept in addition to the sciences related to medicine, astronomy and mathematics, as the goal of writing this book is an educational goal, explaining the methodology that he followed in classifying his book, as it is generally similar to lectures on politics, science and literature in its various arts, which makes it clear to us that our historian was an educational teacher and a guide to culture and thought through the lectures he gives on the good policy of the state, represented in this manner of the Holy Quran and the Noble Sunnah and the opinions of the wise. He pointed to the importance of moral values ​​and their connection to scientific values ​​​​through the method of induction and logical rational deduction, and touched on the aesthetic values ​​​​represented by the literary arts. He was distinguished by the works of thought, logic, objective criticism and the use of the scientific method, which had a distinctive and effective impact in enriching the Arab Islamic civilization.

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