Under the supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center ) the syntactic department in the center of heritage revival/ university of Baghdad organizes workshop entitled (Sports among Arabs) where sited in the of Nabila A, Dawood in the center on Wednesday 19th/2/2025 , Assist instructor Hind Amer Fadhil talked about Islamic instructions in sports that dealt With body and physical fitness, a strong believer who benefits himself is more beloved to Allah Almighty. She also added that sports help Muslims perform their worship in a better way. Today, we must encourage ourselves and our children to practice sports according to Islamic values. Then, a lecture by M.M. Zainab Jamal Norouz, a lecturer from our center, spoke about the culture of peoples in sports throughout history, as they practiced different types of sports and their benefits in wars, hunting and transportation. Also, the development in modern times and technological progress in sports contributed to enhancing physical and psychological fitness. The workshop included several interventions and discussions. In conclusion, the center director thanked the two lecturers, wishing them continued success.


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