The center of heritage revival in cooperation with women affairs unit organizes scientific symposium entitled ( the effect of divorce on Family disintegration( , where sited in the Nabila A. Dawood hall in the center on Monday 30th/12/2024 . the symposium enriched with scientific researches as one of  Research by Ms. Maha Essam Abdel in her research paper (The Problem of Divorce: A Problem of the Age and a Phenomenon that Threatens the Social Fabric), the second research by Dr. Intisar Ahmed, entitled (Marriage and Divorce among the People of Mesopotamia), and the research by Ms. Ahmed Farhan Jassim, entitled (The Effect of Divorce on the Child’s Upbringing), and the research by Ms. Anas Ahmed Al-Mashhadani and the title of his research (Types of divorce and forms of separation in Islam) and many researches that participated in the symposium, where the symposium aimed to show that divorce and separation of the mother and father affect the entire family, especially children, as Islam approved divorce and permitted it, but it is disliked and if the Hammurabi Code indicated from the legal articles the formula for marriage and divorce and engagement ceremonies and dowry and marital rights in full, divorce also greatly affects men and women and causes psychological and social pressures. The symposium recommended the establishment of laws and procedures that limit this phenomenon and activate and invigorate the role of the social researcher and the necessity of awareness by parents to observe the correct controls in the marriage of their children and activate laws that prevent marriage and divorce outside the court and hold seminars, workshops and awareness discussion groups that urge the importance of married life and forming a family. The symposium included several interventions and participations by the lecturers and at the end, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the researchers We wish them continued success in serving our distinguished university and our beloved Iraq.


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