Prof. Dr. Wijdan Fareeq Enad /humanity sciences department) participated in the first national specialist scientific conference entitled (Social responsibility of the academic institution in sustainable development and community advancement) that Held under the patronage of the ministry of higher education and scientific research supervised by holy Hussein shrine / university of Warith Alanbyaa in cooperation with university of Kufa through a period from 23-24/10/2024 , the researcher presented a research entitled The role of Iraqi universities in promoting the culture of sustainable development) speaking about the historical roots of the term sustainable development and the role of universities in teaching its culture and the necessity of instilling its concepts in the minds of students and society. In conclusion, certificates were distributed by the respected advisor, Professor Dr. Riyadh Al-Moussawi Abu Saeeda, in appreciation of the efforts, wishing the researchers continued success in serving the scientific process, our venerable university, and our beloved Iraq