Under the supervision by prof. Dr.Alaa N. Jasim (the director of the center) , the center organized semnar entitled ( Hadi Badi mosque) on Sunday where sited on Nabial A. Dawood hall in the center presence by many professors and researchers .the seminar is presented by msc. Instructor Leqaa Amer Ashor . This mosque is one of the ancient The archaeological site in Baghdad is located in the Sadriyah (Al-Dahana) area. Dr. Mustafa Jawad referred to it in his book (Detailed Guide to the Map of Baghdad) as a relic of the Abbasid Empire and was known as the Al-Ma’muniyah Mosque. It is also called the Al-Jajra Mosque in reference to an old wall built with plaster, from which a brick (i.e. a brick) protruded from the middle. The location of the brick is still present on the outside of the outer wall of the mosque, in which people seek blessings. As for calling him Al-Hadi Al-Badi, it goes back to several narrations, the most famous of which is that an old stone inscribed with the name (Al-Hadi Al-Badi) was found in a corner of the mosque two hundred years ago, and it is one of the most beautiful names of God. The name was changed for ease to (Hadi Badi)… Then it was finally changed to Hadi Badi. There is another narration that in the year (1813 AD) its construction was renewed by a philanthropist named Hadi Badi and it was attributed to him

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