(The harmful effects of drugs and psychotropic substances on the family and society):

under supervision of prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center ) , the center of heritage revival organizes workshop entitled (The harmful effects of drugs and psychotropic substances on the family and society)where sited in the hall of Nabila A. Almunam in the center , on Monday 13rd of May 2024  , the lecture is presented by First Lieutenant Raghda Mizher Shabeeb (from the Department of Relations and Information, Community Police Department/Minister’s Office) who talks about about drugs, their symptoms, causes of abuse and prevention .She also explained that abuse is a behavior, while addiction is a disease that affects the mind as a result of abuse, resulting in changes in the functions and structure of the brain.Specialized scientific references define it as: a chronic disease that accompanies humans, arising and developing during a period of repeated exposure to drug abuse. Victims are lured into taking drugs and psychotropic substances by making them believe that they are: (Medicines, stimulants, energy or sex stimulants, pain relievers, and means that help forget worries and problems) Among the social effects of drug addiction //

1- The spread of crime and deviance: This is from two aspects: The first aspect: It is a crime in itself punishable by law The second aspect: They are complex crimes that create serious criminal repercussions on society, such as murder, rape, theft, fraud, fraud, breach of trust, vagrancy, adultery, sodomy, and all sexual practices, including assault on incest.

2- Moral and social decline: As a result of the social lack of acceptance of the abuser due to his behavior being disrespectful, the abuser is forced to frequent bad places and circles, and accompany those with bad behavior.

It also mentioned the international conventions relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

Highlighting that drugs are a dangerous social scourge that not only destroys the local community but extends beyond the global community, leaving behind woes and pain for developing and developed countries alike. As well as the negative role of the media in showing some films, series and television programs that are characterized by violence and excitement, which leaves a negative impact on viewers, especially children and adolescents, to enter into the circle of abuse. In conclusion, the director of the center thanked the lecturer and wished her continued success


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