under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage organized  a workshop entitled(Maryam Bint Al-Attar) , on Monday 5/6/2024. The lecture was given by Professor Dr. Wijdan fareeq Enad (one of the teaching team at our center). Knowing Maryam bint Al-Attar is a historical figure about whom very little and brief information is provided, hardly enough to draw a clear picture of her. It is a general characteristic of the personalities who lived through the last period of the Islamic presence in Andalusia. There are quite a few names that we find influential in historical events, but the sources are silent about explaining their biography, including the leader Musa bin Abi Al-Ghassan, to name but a few. From the fragments scattered in the depths of the novels, the researcher in history, by applying the historical research method, tries to complete the weaving of the threads, trying to find an image, even if it is vague, about it. Sometimes the researcher loads these summaries more than they can bear, thus moving away from the historical truth to a great extent. Among these is Maryam bint Al-Attar, about whom there is no information in the sources except to the extent that makes the student of the history of that time period surprised by what social media publishes about her, which is dominated by repetition and imagination without reference to the sources of the information mentioned.


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