( healthy dangerous of climate between heritage and contemporary) Supervised by the director of the center of heritage revival prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim , the center organizes a seminar entitled ( healthy dangerous of climate between heritage and contemporary) , the seminar is presented by Msc. Was an Adel Abdulwahab (one of the center’s professors who talks that n the past, health risks associated with climate change included the spread of infectious diseases such as high fever and plague as a result of changes in temperature and the growth of bacteria and viruses that cause diseases. There were also risks of drought and lack of clean water. Which led to nutritional deficiency and the spread of water diseases. The impacts of climate change on public health require coordinated efforts to develop strong and sustainable health responses.
Thermal extremes, whether extreme cold or high temperature, will lead to organic physiological disorders in humans and thus illness or death. One of the proven outcomes of climate change is an increase in the rate of disease and death rates associated with heat, mainly heat waves that cause stress, as excess heat causes heat stress that increases the severity of illness and death rates.