Heritage Revival Center Participates in a Scientific Conference on Technology Incubators

The Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage at the University of Baghdad participated on Monday morning, 24/6/2024, in the first conference for technological and scientific incubators, which was held under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, and the conference was attended by Prof. Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, Director of the Center, professors and employees of the Center …


Eid congratulations

Prof. Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, Director of the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage at the University of Baghdad, extends her warmest congratulations and blessings on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, may God return it to you with Yemen and blessings, and every year and you are in a thousand good


One of the center’s teacher at our as member of a scientific committee

Assist prof. Dr. Wasan Hussein Muhaymid is one of center’s teacher and a member of the scientific committee In the forth international conference that organizes by Iraqi scientific association of manuscript that entitles ( Islamic manuscripts and documents and the prospects of Iraqi-Turkish cooperation and ways to benefit from them under the slogan (The civilizations of nations are measured by their scientific and knowledge wealth)) in cooperation with the Organization of Islamic, the Research Center for History, Arts and Islamic Culture (IRCICA) of Turkey, with the participation of Mardin Ertoğlu University and other ones.

The center of heritage organizes workshop the social effect

Under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, Director of the Center, the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage organized at the University of Baghdad on Monday morning, 6/12/2024, in the hall of Professor Nabila Abdel Moneim Daoud, and in the presence of a number of professors and researchers, a discussion panel entitled (The Social Impacts of Increasing… The phenomenon of divorce in the city of Baghdad) The lecture was given by legal consultant Sarah Kazem Ajil from the Ministry of Interior/Department of Relations and Media/Community Police Department/Strategic Center Speaking about the social effects of the increasing phenomenon of divorce in the city of Baghdad, where the family is considered the nucleus of society, while it advances and deteriorates, this is because the separation of the mother and father greatly affects the family, and the most important of these effects is the effect on the children. Separation may be difficult and they may take a long time to adjust. As well as the crime rate, as there are direct relationships between the crime rate and divorce, as well as the rate of psychological illnesses, which contribute to the separation of the mother and father and the rise in the rates of depression, anxiety, and frustration. Ajeel also added that there are many reasons, including the difference in the source of income, marital infidelity, unemployment, poverty, and differences between spouses over lack of Cultural harmony and openness, and to reduce divorce cases, the role of the social researcher and the religious guide must be activated, the system for conducting medical examinations must be changed and made comprehensive, and government support must be activated by providing a financial grant to married couples and others. In conclusion, the director of the center thanked the lecturer, wishing her continued success


The center of seminar the history of Feminist movements in Baghdad


Under the supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa N. Jasim (the director of the center ), the center organized seminar entitled (the history of Feminist movements in Baghdad)on the center’s hall with presence by many researchers and professors , the seminar is presented assist instructor Zainab Khalid Mohammad (one of the center’s professor ) who talks about he history of feminist movements in Baghdad and the conditions that Iraqi society was in during the period of Ottoman rule and then royal rule and the impact of these conditions on Iraqi women and advocates of liberation for them, as well as the international and Arab movements that had a great resonance in Iraqi society, and discussed the most important The activities carried out by some Iraqi women in that period, such as issuing magazines, establishing organizations, and holding conferences, all for the sake of liberating women and activating their role to participate with men in all aspects of social, political, cultural, and economic life. This movement resulted in the emergence of the first woman minister, In addition to many female doctors, lawyers, and teachers who clearly participated with men in the leadership of Iraqi society  ز


The Center  OF the Heritage Revival organizes a workshop Iraq is the Land of the First craft

Under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafia Jassim, (Director of the Center), the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage at the University of Baghdad organized , a workshop entitled (Iraq is the Land of the First craft) where sited on Monday corresponding to 5th /27/2024, in the hall of Professor Nabila Abdel Moneim, with the presence of a number of professors and researchers, The lecture was presented by Dr. Amna Fadel, Director of the Iraqi Museum Library, speaking about cuneiform writing, the most important major cultural achievement achieved by ancient Iraqi man, as it comes at the top of the material evidence of cultural maturity in Mesopotamia. If it had a great role in establishing the foundations of the recorded history of humanity, it also left a great impact on the entire human civilization. If it were not for it, man would not have been able to record his science, knowledge, and heritage and pass it on to generations.

Writing was invented in southern Mesopotamia, as it was not the only achievement, but there are many cultural achievements that coincided with the invention of writing, such as various arts such as sculpture, architecture, seal making, etc. The role of Uruk was clearly defined around the year 3000 BC. There is evidence that indicates that the cuneiform script spread in an early era outside Mesopotamia, almost two centuries after the appearance of writing in Sumer around 3200 BC. What is known among specialists as (proto elamite writing), which dates back to the Jemdet Nasr era in Iraq, appeared in the city of Khuzestan Susa, the capital of neighboring Elam. In conclusion, the center director thanked the lecturer and wished her continued success.organizes a workshop


The center of heritage revival organizes seminar ( the intention of language


   Under the supervision of prof. Dr. Alaa Nafea Jasim (the director of the center) , the center of heritage revival organized seminar entitled ( the intention of language and its trading purposes) the lecture was presented by DR. instructor Baidaa A. Hasan Radam who talked about that  he purposes of language are among the causes and topics that have not yet been thoroughly and extensively researched in a way that responds to the demands of language and its requirements for understanding. Likewise, philosophical, intellectual, and linguistic consideration has not deepened its consideration of the particles of the purposes of language, knowing that the importance of knowing the purposes of speech achieves understanding and the success of communication and response. Arbitrariness, and it is not hidden from us in this field that speech relationships are built with each other, as they depend on precise intentions related to the speaker’s intention and the field of communication, whether in his common transactions of expressions, customs, customs, contracts, and other various conversational situations. Understanding speech, making communication successful, and achieving its goals are goals that would not have been achieved in Arabic and Islamic studies had it not been for the presence of the Qur’anic text and the connection of its speech to the Arabic language since its revelation, as well as its connection to the verbal Sunnah of the Noble Messenger (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace). In conclusion, the center director thanked the lecturer and wished her continued success

The center of heritage revival organizes scientific symposium (the history of Al-Wazir Mosque


Under the patronage of the Honorable President of the University of Baghdad, Professor Dr. Bahaa Ibrahim Ansaf, and under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alaa Nafi Jassim, the respected Director of the Center, the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage at the University of Baghdad, in cooperation with the Sunni Endowment Office, organized the symposium on Monday morning, 6/3/2024. Scientific tagged (the history of Al-Wazir Mosque and its architecture). The symposium opened with a fragrant recitation of the Holy Quran and the reading of Surat Al-Fatihah for the souls of the martyrs of Iraq, then a speech by Dr. Abbas Abdel Sattar Jassim Al-Saadi, Assistant Director of the Baghdad Endowments/Al-Rusafa.  Speaking about the importance of mosques in Islamic history, and that the first person to build a mosque was the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace). These mosques were not limited to worship only, but rather were for the dissemination of various sciences, as well as their status as the headquarters of the state’s leadership. Several research papers were presented at the symposium, including the research of Prof. Dr. Saadi Ibrahim Al-Daraji (planning and architecture of the Wazir Mosque) The researcher talked about the layout of the First Mosque, which was established by Minister Hassan Pasha in 1599 AD – 1008 AH. The plan was a house of prayer with a single dome roof. Then it was renewed in the seventeenth century AD and became a house of prayer with a three-domed roof And the research of A.M.D. Wasan Hussein Muhaymid (Al-Wazir Mosque in the historians’ narratives) is talking about Al-Wazir Mosque, which is one of the mosques of ancient Baghdad, located on the eastern side of it, specifically in the Saray Market, overlooking the Tigris River. Its construction dates back to the Abbasid era. It was called Dhul-Manara Mosque bdul Hamid’s reference in his book The Brilliant Light to the antiquities of Baghdad, the mosques and mosques, and that the Minister (Wali) Hassan Pasha bin Muhammad Pasha established and built it in the year 1008 AH. The history of its construction goes back to a story that is woven into popular heritage, that there were boats carrying trade that sank and the goods were mixed together, so the merchants presented their situation to the governor, Hassan Pasha, who advised them to sell the trade and build a mosque in the place where their boats sank.

The joint research, M.D. Mazen Qasim Muhalhal and A.M.D. Rasha Issa Fares (Al-Wazir Mosque School) talked about the Al-Wazir Mosque School, which is a historical landmark dating back to the Ottoman era. It was established in the seventeenth century AD. This historical landmark reflects the unique Islamic architectural style that was prevalent in that period. The school was founded In the year 1071 AH / 1660 AD, it was built by order of the Ottoman Minister Hussein Pasha, and from here came its name ((Al-Wazir Mosque School)) as the minister was interested in building many public facilities, including mosques, schools, and khans that served and contributed to improving the city’s infrastructure. The purpose of its establishment was to provide advanced religious education in addition to other sciences, according to what was reported by the Ottoman historian (Ahmed Cevdet Pasha).

In conclusion, Dr. Muhammad Khazal Mahmoud spoke about the Wazir Mosque, which is one of the Ottoman mosques and was founded in 1660 AD. Sheikhs and scholars alternated there over the course of approximately three and a half centuries until it was concluded with the imamate of Sheikh Khazal al-Dulaimi al-Naqshbandi, who had a prominent role in the architecture of the mosque in terms of Establishing the five daily prayers and religious events

The center of heritage revival organizes seminar entitled Eids guides in ancient Iraq


Under supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa N. Jasim (the director of the center. The center organizes seminar entitled ( Eids guides in ancient Iraq and its cultural legacy, al-Akitu eid, is an example) on Sunday 3/6/2024 where sited on the center’s hall with presence by professors and researchers , the lecture is presented by Msc. Assist instructor Melad Mohammad Hussein (one of the center’s members who talks about he Feast of Akitu, which was known to the Sumerians in the third millennium BC, was held in the Sumerian cities of Ur. It gained importance in the Babylonian and Assyrian eras. The ceremonies of this feast revolved around two basic points in ancient Babylonian beliefs. The first is the story of the Babylonian creation, which is the story of the struggle between the gods. The ancient gods were under complete leadership and the young gods were led by Marduk, the greatest god of the city of Babylon. This was the conflict that ended with the killing of Tiamah and Marduk splitting her body into two halves, creating the heaven and the earth, and the second was the sacred marriage between the goddess of fertility and growth, the goddess Ishtar and the god Dumuzi, and the celebration of the Feast of Akitu began. On the first day of April and continues for ten days

The center of heritage revival organizes workshop the effect of Islamic

Under the supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa N. Jasim (the director of the center) , the center organized workshop entitled ( the effect of Islamic thought on confronting terorsists)on Wednesday 29/5/2024 with presence by professors and researchers , it presented by prof. dr. Anas Esam Ismaiel (one of the center’s professors .  The workshop deals with three three basic concepts  The first: the meaning of the word terrorism in the international term, defining the categories included in this term, and the controls for determining the terminological definition of this concept.  Second: The relationship of the Holy Qur’an to the term terrorism and the verses in which the word terrorism is mentioned and in what ways it is used Third: The role of Islamic thought in confronting terrorism by spreading balanced thought, directing young people towards correct Islamic concepts, and avoiding extremism in thinking and apostasy, as they are the source of terrorist movements.


the center of heritage revival organizes workshop (Employee guarantees

 Under the supervision by prof. Dr. Alaa N. Jasim (the director of the center) , the center of heritage revival hold workshop entitled  (Employee guarantees regarding administrative investigation)on Tuesday 28/5/2024 with presence by many researchers and professors through program of participation cooperation between the center and Federal Integrity Commission ,it presented by  enior Legal Advisor Manal Faeq Al-Wakil spoke about the legal guarantees for the employee during the course of the administrative investigation. Then the agent reviewed the work of the Authority’s departments in accordance with the Authority’s applicable law, as it is important in the course of justice. She also referred to the role and limits of the investigators, accountants, and auditors, in addition to the relevant laws. In conclusion, the director of the center thanked the lecturer and wished her continued success.


The center of heritage revival organizes seminar Hadi Badi mosque


Under the supervision by prof. Dr.Alaa N. Jasim (the director of the center) , the center organized semnar entitled ( Hadi Badi mosque) on Sunday where sited on Nabial A. Dawood hall in the center presence by many professors and researchers .the seminar is presented by msc. Instructor Leqaa Amer Ashor . This mosque is one of the ancient The archaeological site in Baghdad is located in the Sadriyah (Al-Dahana) area. Dr. Mustafa Jawad referred to it in his book (Detailed Guide to the Map of Baghdad) as a relic of the Abbasid Empire and was known as the Al-Ma’muniyah Mosque. It is also called the Al-Jajra Mosque in reference to an old wall built with plaster, from which a brick (i.e. a brick) protruded from the middle. The location of the brick is still present on the outside of the outer wall of the mosque, in which people seek blessings. As for calling him Al-Hadi Al-Badi, it goes back to several narrations, the most famous of which is that an old stone inscribed with the name (Al-Hadi Al-Badi) was found in a corner of the mosque two hundred years ago, and it is one of the most beautiful names of God. The name was changed for ease to (Hadi Badi)… Then it was finally changed to Hadi Badi. There is another narration that in the year (1813 AD) its construction was renewed by a philanthropist named Hadi Badi and it was attributed to him